Honest Thoughts

I started today reflecting on how unfocused I am. That pushed me to go over board and today create a blog and once again strive for success. My current situation is a student athlete with a broken ego, broken friendships, and a needy personality. On the bright side, my reputation is wonderful. In Highschool, while some are ahead in their careers, it is easy to turn to alternatives to feel better about oneself. Examples could be: Ego, Clothes, Friendships, Drinking/drugs.

Our schools are filled with this and our world becomes darker as we ask for bad things by forcing it on ourselfs. If I could speak to all students in my school, and help them learn something, I would say You will never be the best, stay humble. This makes success last, and requires no ego. Our world opens up to so many possibilities as soon as we let go of what is and let our orders for life happen.

So I have a new mindset! I’m going to make so many great interactions tomorrow. My goals for this week are to get new clothes, a better relationship, more active relationships, a blog space and good grades. This is Zac Spencer, reminding you that if you feel good about it, and want it, life will grant it!


  • Twitter: @zmspencer5
  • Instagram @zacspencer5
  • Snapchat @zachary645

Author: zacspencer

I feel good about it, and I want it, I get it. It's about that new lifestyle and I have a tall order for life. Life comes through in ways you won't believe, just sit back and enjoy.

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